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AES presented a new paper at IMAM 2017

The paper that AES presented at the SHIPLYS-Session at Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM), October 9-11, 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal.

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SHIPLYS: Project Deliverable D3.1 Released

The SHIPLYS project has published a new deliverable document. AES has edited this document and contributed several sections to its content.

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SHIPLYS project has started

On September 1, 2016, the SHIPLYS project has been started. This is a 3-year research project executing under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.

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Topgallant® Shipyard Production Simulation (SYPS)

Working with customers, leveraging our combined expertise in shipbuilding, interoperability, and production engineering has lead to the development of our shipyard production simulation tool suite.


Weld Distortion Management

The process of estimating distortion effects on the structural components of a ship can be complex and lead to excess material waste or rework. The Weld Distortion Management solution was developed to improve and automate these tasks.


Contact details

Atlantec Enterprise Solutions GmbH
Oehleckerring 13
22419 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 66 999-160
Fax: +49 (40) 66 999-181

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